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Posted (edited)

This has come from a good friend who works in football finance, the PR side, and atthe top level




He doesn't tell me much (because he doesn't often have anything to tell, and doesn't bulls***) but what he says is always accurate




Eg just after G and H took over he told me what their strategy was and explained thatin a nutshell, we were entirely at the mercy of the worldwide credit marketsand that the best we could hope for is that they would fatten us up and sell usto DIC or similar (I didn't share this at the time but it partly motivated meto go on the attack just after Athens, although the other reasons to do so hadbecome self-evident by then)




And so,why did they buy the club? Because they had the cash spare and thought that atthe price, i.e. the repo price, it was a no-brainer. They weren't looking; theysnapped us up the way a property developer who specialises in say, retailparks, might snap up an empty block of flats that's just been built andrepossessed and available at a fraction of value because they know they can't lose.




How much do they plan to invest? Pretty much nothing relative to what we need tochallenge for the PL, a bigimprovement on G and H but we will still be needing miracles in order tocompete




Stadium?No way




Exit strategy? carry on the commercialwork, get Moneyball operating efficiently, get us back in the CL if possible,grow the value of the club, even just by hanging on until the recession isover, as they have the means to carry the debt….and then sell us or invite in apartner, like DIC or whoever




Where does that leave us? better off than under G and H, same as under Moores andParry I'd say, but with a bettercommercial department




So. 10 years after the quest for landing number 19 via the newstadium began, where are we? A bettercommercial department


let's hope something happens to change their minds or they fall in love with us or something, or just that someone more ambitious comes along sooner rather than later and gets involved because we are in for a period of slow and steady improvement by the looks of things, nothing more

Edited by Molby

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