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Steve McLaren

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Good for him


might be a s**** manager, but its good to see an english manager not scared to try his luck abroad

TBF, I reckon he's taken it because he can't get anything else. Was supposed to have turned the job down originally, for "family reasons", only to change his mind. I'd hazard this is because he was in the running for the Blackburn job and has since discovered Ince is getting it. IMO, of course.

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TBF, I reckon he's taken it because he can't get anything else. Was supposed to have turned the job down originally, for "family reasons", only to change his mind. I'd hazard this is because he was in the running for the Blackburn job and has since discovered Ince is getting it. IMO, of course.

Nail on head, I reckon.

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Good for him


might be a s**** manager, but its good to see an english manager not scared to try his luck abroad

apparently the twente fans have been lobbying the club not to appoint him.


he's frankly sh*te and this may be his level.

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How did he get the England job in the first place?


I suppose he did take Middlesborough right to the middle of the league table.


League Cup win and UEFA Cup run, I suppose. But mainly because he was the least-sh*t Englishman without a Zimmer frame.


If Bolton had won that League Cup final the Allardyce would probably have got the job.


They should have given it to Ricky Tomlinson.

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God I hate Fat Sam....'withdrawing my application'...in other words 'I will never get the job because just like at every other club the fans started a petition saying they don't want me and my ugly fat face and ugly brand of smash mouth football that is dull as dishwater to watch and they don't want to have to listen to me spout s**** every week with my annoying drawl of a voice!'




Fat Sam has withdrawn his application for the Blackburn job too so all seems to be pointing to Ince as manager
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Guest Anders Honoré
Michael Laudrup is now a contender, so not cut 'n dry yet.


Why would anyone choose Ince over him?

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TBF, I reckon he's taken it because he can't get anything else. Was supposed to have turned the job down originally, for "family reasons", only to change his mind. I'd hazard this is because he was in the running for the Blackburn job and has since discovered Ince is getting it. IMO, of course.


Is clearly the correct answer

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