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The clichéd Texan bully strikes again...

Spirit Of Shankly

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There’s one thing to do. One thing you can do. That’s stand up. That’s fight back.


The situation is this: Hicks needs to raise money and he’ll be going back to the banks. The deal him and his estranged cohort got months back was an edgy one, an expensive one. Given the world economic situation, given our relationship with them, given their own track record, they got an expensive short term deal and in the process exposed RBS/Nat West and Merril Lynch. The former were worried about discussions of disruption and boycotts.


Let’s give them something to worry about. Let’s start disrupting RBS. Phone calls, letters, faxes, emails. We’ll get you the details. Trust us when we say they don’t want this and trust us when we say we can do this. We can hurt RBS. Hicks, the ignorant bully, may think he’s bloody-minded. We can show him, RBS and anyone else who may back him what bloody-mindedness really is.


The meat of the ignorant bully’s statement is that Rick Parry is incompetent. Rick Parry is no more incompetent now than he was after Athens. That’s pretty incompetent, but Parry is also a vote on the board against Hicks. It’s more bullying to get his own way.


And more lying. The debt won’t be on the club. Really, Tom? You’ve moved away from this:


“When I was in the leverage buy-out business we bought Weetabix and we leveraged it up to make our return. You could say that anyone who was eating Weetabix was paying for our purchase of Weetabix. It was just business. It is the same for Liverpool.”


Whether the debt is on the club or not, who will service it? Will you service it? Or do you want us to pay for you and Gillett to buy the club, us to pay for you to then buy Gillett’s half and us to then pay for the stadium. How much debt will you have us service, Tom? But it’s just business.


And on the stadium – Hicks accuses Parry of having been slow to make it happen. Probably very true. But Hicks said he’d have a spade in the ground within sixty days, almost eighteen months ago. He still hasn’t raised the money to pay for this spade. More spin. More smug Texan fireside talk when the club is in crisis. More absenteeism.


The bully wants his own way: “If George doesn't sell - because I am not going to sell - I guess we stay in this position that we are in.” And if he doesn’t get his own way he’ll gladly run this football club into the ground. He’ll gladly continue the inertia. He’ll gladly cut off his nose to spite his face. Except he won’t. This is a negotiating strategy. He knows his own position can become untenable very quickly, he knows his investment can depreciate in value, he knows he may have to bow to the inevitable DIC offer.


No one is saying he isn’t also prepared to stick it out but we can influence that. We can hurt the banks that are already unnerved by him. We can make a difference, possibly the final difference. We can stand up and be counted. Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Hit the banks, hit the phone-ins, repudiate the lies, attack the bully.


No money, no credibility, no honesty, no integrity, no dignity, no custodian. HICKS OUT NOW!


Spirit Of Shankly

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Guest Prongsy

I'm glad to hear this "Trust us when we say they don’t want this and trust us when we say we can do this. We can hurt RBS. Hicks, the ignorant bully, may think he’s bloody-minded. We can show him, RBS and anyone else who may back him what bloody-mindedness really is."


I really want SOS to flex their muscles on this one, they represent a lot of 'customers' and without 'customers' a business will go bust. I think SOS need to threaten that if Hicks gets just 1 more share and full control of the club, all fans will withdraw from games starting next season.


I like the starting position though.

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Given the world economic situation, given our relationship with them, given their own track record, they got an expensive short term deal and in the process exposed RBS/Nat West and Merril Lynch. The former were worried about discussions of disruption and boycotts.



Great post. Lets start acting and show them they were right to be concerned. Just tell us who to hurt and how to hurt them.


Lets have a list of everything Hicks could possibly be connected with and any money men he could turn to and lets make our feelings known with action.



May I suggest a co-ordinated removal of as much business as possible with the companies who have lent him money ? A few hundred, let alone a few thousand accounts relocated all at the same time would start them thinking.

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Let’s give them something to worry about. Let’s start disrupting RBS. Phone calls, letters, faxes, emails. We’ll get you the details. Trust us when we say they don’t want this and trust us when we say we can do this. We can hurt RBS. Hicks, the ignorant bully, may think he’s bloody-minded. We can show him, RBS and anyone else who may back him what bloody-mindedness really is.


you do realise how many hundreds of bulls*** communications these companies recieve everyday and that are filtered through technology, PAs, recpetionists, etc. unless you are talking about launching syncronised attacks en masse which will block / crash the communications you are talking about this wont have any effect at all

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At this stage I think we should really be talking about boycotting the last home league game of the season.


I would be more than happy with that but realistically, it may need to wait until next season - which isn't ideal but there you go. I think it would take a lot of time, planning and co-ordination in order for a boycott to work - a half hearted boycott with a couple of hundred empty seats and you have just played your last hand really.


It has to be done properly and it has to work. An empty Anfield could possibly be devastating for Hicks and Co. But how do you get an empty Anfield?


The big concern is that an empty Anfield would almost say to the players 'We can't support you anymore' and this could have an impact on our season, the players and the manager. Boycotting the match is an option that needs an awful lot of thought. Therefore I can understand why the last game of the season will not be boycotted.

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To do this properly we'd probably have one bad season. But, the club needs to be really impacted to force this guy out. That means DISRUPTING THE CASH FLOW.


The Premier League needs to be bombarded too. This is bad for business.


Ah, and what about picketing the team shop? Like real picketing. Arthur Scargill-like.

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A few reasons.


Primarily that in broadening the target you risk losing focus and dissipating effort. You're relying on people using their intelligence not to target the woman on the RBS counter on the high st, not everyone has that intelligence. You open the Union up to being a hostage to fortune to the one idiot who can't distinguish between an international finance arm of a bank and the local hole in the wall etc. Passions are raised high and I suggest the Union has to be extremely careful in the way they seek to unleash them. I'd guess there may be legal implications as well, worth looking into? In that context the risk / reward doesn't stack up.


If you still want to target third parties you should go for customers rather than suppliers. Suppliers are making a profit to set against the hassle, customers may be more inclined to move on rather than deal with aggro. Banks lend to repressive regimes, arms dealers and people that commit acts of torture, they'll swat the bad publicity without a thought. In this case co-investors in Thicks rather than those supplying financing. Sponsors of the Rangers etc maybe?

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Guest Prongsy
Hopefully it will be the last match before a European Cup Final and surely we'd want to give the team a good send off?


That's why I've been saying SOS need to let it be known that if Hicks gets ownership over the summer, next season will be boycotted until he sells.

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