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Please f*** off if you dont like it Andrei


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Since arriving in the Premier League, Liverpool FC player Andrei Voronin has been conspicuous mainly for his blond ponytail and his spectacular lack of success on the pitch.


But the 27-year-old Ukrainian has finally managed to make a name for himself - as an outspoken critic of Britain in general and the city of Liverpool in particular.

Despite earning an estimated £30,000 a week, he says that he was forced to take his young son back to Odessa for treatment to a skin allergy because the NHS was not up to the job.


He condemns the UK as a cultural backwater with poor health care and high crime rate.


Although his 24-year-old wife Yulia was recently named the worst-dressed soccer WAG after wearing a leopard-print velour tracksuit, he says Britain is far less sophisticated than Germany.


And in a rant which will do nothing to increase his popularity among the Liverpool fans, he ridicules the Scouse way of talking.


He says foreigners struggle to understand home-grown team mates such as captain Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher because they "speak with some peculiar local accent".


Voronin, who moved to Liverpool from Bayer Leverkusen in Germany at the beginning of the season, makes his indiscreet remarks in an interview with a Russian newspaper.


"Compared with Germany, England is far behind in terms of comfort and culture," he says.


"Five out of the seven houses near us are occupied by footballers.


"Steve Gerrard was burgled recently so a police patrol car comes into our compound fairly often.


"We hear police sirens all the time. Leverkusen, by contrast, was so much quieter."


He goes on: "The medical services here are poor. When I was in Germany, there were lots of good clinics and doctors.


"It is nothing like that here - when our child had a skin allergy we waited hours for the doctor to see him.


"When we finally got to see a doctor, he said he didn't know how to treat children and to try rubbing in this ointment.


"That was it. I was stunned. As a result my wife had to go back to Odessa with him and took a full set of tests there."


On the language barrier, he says: "I study English twice a week with a teacher and I have made some progress in it.


"But English isn't the main problem. The main thing is to learn to understand the local players like Gerrard and Carragher.


"They speak with some peculiar local accent and sometimes I have absolutely no clue what the guys are saying.


"Many foreign players have the same problem."


However it seems he has no trouble-communicating with some of the other non-English speakers in the squad.


"I've taught my teammate Fernando Torres a few dirty words in Russian and he has taught me to swear in Spanish."


Voronin's attack drew a contemptuous response from Richie Pedder, chairman of Liverpool Supporters Club.


"I think it's a load of rubbish," he said. "He can hardly speak English himself, so what right has he to criticise anybody else?


"I think his views are over the top and I wonder what axe he's got to grind.


"Hopefully though, most people will just take it as a joke and ignore it."




He's probably right mind but still.

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Guest sniffer
So now all we have to decide is if we trust the Daily Mail to provide a fair and balanced account of Voronin's interview.


That's a toughie.


Just looked through the Mail and can't see it anywhere.

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If it's in the Daily Mail, are they have a dig at foreigners coming over here and taking our jobs or having a dig at Liverpool? Suppose it's a double whammy for them really. :rolleyes:


I'm struggling to understand why he hasn't got private medical insurance as he's on 30k a week, can't be spending it all on new trackies can he?

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To be honest, some things Voronin says have an element of truth to it. Our public services are decaying in this country due to our inept government despite tax rises and millions spent. That's another debate altogether though. :)

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He's not that good


I was trying to be nice about him but yeah I have to agree!


Though if he scores the winner against the filth in Moscow I'll be happy to let him rot in the reserves for a year rather than getting him off the books.

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on first view i thought it said "please f*** off if you dont like Andrei" Me and Sutty were going to hunt you down Carralegend....


you too duncey


Me, too, haha.


Poor Andrei has some points. Not in a postition to whinge though is he.

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So he was concerned about the treatment that his child was getting and decided to take him back to Germany for their own peace of mind.


He also comments on the accent - which every player comments on when they get here as it's not easy to understand.


I don't rate Voronin as a player, but I fail to see how anything he's said could be construed in such a way. It's the tabloids here - they will twist absolutely everything to make a story. Tom Hicks is a c***, but the story about him 'making an attack on Scouse culture' that appeared in the Mail after he commented on the accent sums up the way the press in this country operate.

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