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Being nowhere by mid-October is what kills you. Being 7th is what kills you. Wondering if you've missed the european boat forever because the gap has grown exponentially far too fast is what kills you. Now being talked about as even challengers kills you. Making your way drearily through January, February and March is what kills you. Being the 8th game on MOTD because you've been irrelevant to everything for the last 6 weeks is what kills you. Nope, it's not the hope that kills. It's the hope that makes it all so very, very worthwhile. It's the hope that makes opening day of the season one of the best, if not the best, day of the year. It's the hope that this year things will be better, that this new signing will improve us, that we can have a conversation about the next 10 games and think, aye, we can these - all of them. Even in the pits of the darkest hours of the former regime it was hope that we could get shot of these that carried us through. Sure, other virtues had to prevail. Courage, fortitude, solidarity, all of which are needed now. But it's the hope that pumps life into red veins. Even now, we head into the final game of a hope-filled season with hope of winning this league. It's a slim hope, it's hanging by a thread, but it's better, far, far better, than being nothing other than a disinterested bystander since the first of March. Walk on lads, with hope in the hearts.

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