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Benefit Night and Supporter Representation

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Last night was special - a great occasion and everything Liverpool support is about. A big thank you to the performers and bands, those who organised it, The Olympia and those of you who came. We'd appreciate a bit of discretion about the very special guest and we'd also like to take the opportunity to thank him.


As a result of our ongoing dialogue, we've had it confirmed that Dubai are prepared to put a supporter's representative on the board and have approached SOS to work out exactly how such a thing should be done. We're taking this commitment at face value and expect them to follow up on it if they take control of the football club. We are not doing Dubai's PR for them, but feel obliged to say we've found the dialogue we've had with them to be rewarding and full of possibilities. There is the opportunity to change the way in which our football club is run and the way in which football clubs across the country are run. They may well disappoint us and their words do need to be followed up with actions but to this point those of us who have had discussions have been impressed.


A supporter on the board is a significant responsibility; one which we want but one which will need long consultation, with Dubai, with other agencies but most of all with you, the supporters. What we expect of such a role, how we want it to be defined, how we select it, these are key questions which tap into the bigger question which it is time to start asking: What, in 2008, do we expect of Liverpool FC in terms of how it manages itself off the pitch to compete on it? In the next fortnight we're going to try to start this debate across the forums. We don't think SOS and its management committee has all the answers, but collectively we are capable of answering this question and given the opportunity from Dubai we're capable of having these answers impact upon the football club should it change hands.


Lastly, we've won nothing yet. Hicks and Gillett are still here. We are working on more ways to make clear to the entire world how they've abdicated their responsibilities as custodians. When we have concrete plans we'll tell you how you can help. In the meantime we're listening to any suggestions you have. Let's redouble our efforts over the summer. This football club is the greatest in the land. It's supporters are the greatest in the land. We learnt that yet again last night. We shouldn't be lions led by duplicitious donkeys any longer. Let's change that.


Thank you for your support.


Spirit Of Shankly

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Guest Ant

Supporter Representation will be one of the biggest changes in English Football for many a year.


Don't under estimate what this could do to both Liverpool FC and Football as we know it.

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Guest Raisbeck
Supporter Representation will be one of the biggest changes in English Football for many a year.


Don't under estimate what this could do to both Liverpool FC and Football as we know it.


Thats only if it happens and there are reports out tonight that Hicks is considering hedge-funds to buy out Gillet.


Its going to be a very very difficult to shift the mud.

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Personally, I would look to an ex-player, with the club in mind. Carragher once he finishes playing would be ideal.


Another way to do it, is to identify the profile of the person we want. ie degree qualified, regular match goer (not necessarily a season ticket holder), well spoken etc

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If you're going to ask a former player, why not Phil Thompson or John Aldridge. Liverpool through & through. They were quick to support a fanbased ownership of the club. Think you can't go wrong with one of them.

good shouts, both.

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Another way to do it, is to identify the profile of the person we want. ie degree qualified, regular match goer (not necessarily a season ticket holder), well spoken etc




Seriously though well done to everyone at SOS for sun night and everything they have achieved so far. I had a belting night on Sunday and a cracking hangover to prove it

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Guest Prongsy
You should be approaching someone like Kenny to take the position if it goes through.


Definitely, but no doubt it'll be an unelected member of the 'management committee' after they've 'told us' what we can do. :unsure:

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I have to say I was quite sceptical of SOS when it was getting off the ground but fairplay you've really started to do excellent work.


Great to hear about the "Special guest" - the kind of thing that makes the club so special.

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I will be very disillusioned with the whole process if someone from SOS is 'selected'.

Read the statement. They've approached SOS to look into the boundaries and mechanics of the process. Nothing has been decided, there's nothing to be disillusioned about. It's a responsibility that's being taken very seriously.


There may well be the opportunity for a former player on the board as well as a supporter's representative. Even if that wasn't the case I'd have real qualms about an ex-player but in the event that there is a former player on the board then the supporter's representative most definitely shouldn't be one.

Edited by Knox_Harrington
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Read the statement. They've approached SOS to look into the boundaries and mechanics of the process. Nothing has been decided, there's nothing to be disillusioned about. It's a responsibility that's being taken very seriously.


There may well be the opportunity for a former player on the board as well as a supporter's representative. Even if that wasn't the case I'd have real qualms about an ex-player but in the event that there is a former player on the board then the supporter's representative most definitely shouldn't be one.


aldo would make a great supporters representative.

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Is Kenny the right person to represent the fans though?

I know he's forgotten more about footy that most of us know, but i can't imagine he has got first hand knowledge of the ticket office for example.




100% credibility with the fanbase and has seen it all and more importantly, understands it all.


FWIW, I think appointing a supporters rep. is not a bad idea, but only if it's in a non-executive role. Their credentials have to be impeccable and convincing to the fanbase.

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Read the statement. They've approached SOS to look into the boundaries and mechanics of the process. Nothing has been decided, there's nothing to be disillusioned about. It's a responsibility that's being taken very seriously.


There may well be the opportunity for a former player on the board as well as a supporter's representative. Even if that wasn't the case I'd have real qualms about an ex-player but in the event that there is a former player on the board then the supporter's representative most definitely shouldn't be one.


Being a supporter's representative on the board should extend to ex-players as well.


If this process is going to go through, I want to see someone that the fanbase can have 100% trust in without any room for debate - and I'd have reservations about that being anyone other than an ex-player with a clear track record with the club.


May I ask what reservations you have about an ex-player exactly? Surely the vast majority of fans would be infinitely happier to see Thommo, Kenny or Aldo step into the position than someone they've never heard of.

Edited by MFletcher
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May I ask what reservations you have about an ex-player exactly? Surely the vast majority of fans would be infinitely happier to see Thommo, Kenny or Aldo step into the position than someone they've never heard of.


With all due respect - it's been a long, long time since I have seen Kenny queuing at the ground for tickets.

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Thommo, Kenny or Aldo


As a matter of interest, what qualifications do you think any of these have of running, or making a contribution towards the running of, a £200m company?

A fan's representative on the board is a fantastic idea but they will be nothing other than a sop or something to which lip service is paid every now and again if they don't help the club achieve its various goals. Representing the fans views is obviously a part of that (particularly given the behaviour of Hicks and Gillett) but personally I'd find it difficult to take Thompson or Aldridge seriously in the role. A fan's representative has to be more than just a "public super-fan".

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