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I'm beginning to change my mind on the BNP

Paul B

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Until recently I was of the opinion that the BNP should be allowed a political platform and to be able to do what they could to take part in the polictical process. It is, after all, a democracy in which we live. I have nothing but contempt for them and their vile policies and thought the best way to destroy them was to turn a spotlight on their obvious inadequacies. If we laught at them, I assumed, they would be seen for what they are and I argued long and loud against some of you on here who would see them banned. I am now coming round to that point of view myself.


I have a friend who is standing as Labour candidate in the local elections and he has been showing me some of what the BNP are actually about; some stuff of which I was totally unaware. Some of it made me sick. He's a Mackem, is Gerry and a former headmaster at a special needs school; truly one of the good people in society. He pulled no punches in showing me what they were REALLY about and introduced me to some of their more fanatic supporters. They have a symbiotic relationship, the rabid fascists and the BNP. One side panders to the other to the mutual benefit of both. The BNP aren't actually shaping the debate; they take their cues from the mad support they have and put as much gloss on their supporter's demands to make it as mainstream as possible without watering it down too much.


What I have seen in the last few days has made me question my belief in allowing this party to exist and I think I'm open enough to accept I may well have been wrong. I used to be 90-10 against the banning of the BNP but am now 60-40 in favour of an outright ban as it seems obvious that their very existence is an inducement to racial hatred and therefore a criminal act.

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