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Manc gets 4.5m quid for getting his leg broke

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A young footballer, touted as one of the brightest prospects in the English game, was awarded a record £4.3m compensation package yesterday after an "over the top" tackle left his career in ruins.


Ben Collett, now 23, joined Manchester United at the age of nine and was described by the club's manager Sir Alex Ferguson as an outstanding prospect.


But during his first game for the reserves Collett, a left-footed player who had been compared to Ryan Giggs, had his leg broken in two places when he was tackled by Middlesbrough's Gary Smith. He was awarded £4.3m in damages at the high court in London yesterday - a record according to his lawyers - including £3,854,328 for predicted loss of earnings.


"The size of the award made by the court today reflects his talent and potential prior to the tackle as one of the brightest young footballers in the country," said Collet's lawyer, Jan Levinson. "Having said that, Ben would understandably have preferred to earn this sum through a full career as a professional footballer."


Collett had been part of the Manchester United youth team that won the FA Youth Cup in 2003 and Ferguson said he had the qualities to become a household name before he was injured.


"I thought the boy showed fantastic focus, a great attitude to hard work, and they are qualities to give any player an outstanding chance in the game," Ferguson told an earlier hearing.


United legend Paddy Crerand said the youngster had a similar style to Ryan Giggs, and Brian McClair, manager of the club's youth academy, said Collet's intelligence made him a "student of football" with an exceptional ability to think fast and read the game.


"During his 11 years at Manchester United he had impressed players and staff at all levels from Sir Alex Ferguson and Gary Neville to the contemporaries who played alongside him," Mrs Justice Swift said.


Collett was talent-spotted by United Scouts as nine-year-old and made his way through the club's youth programme. In January 2001 he was offered a two-year scholarship and promised a one-year professional contract when he turned 18.


He played a central role in the club's victory in the FA Youth Cup and was named the young player of the year. But only days later, during his first appearance for the reserves, Collett broke his leg in two places, effectively ending his career.


The judge told the court: "The tackle was high and 'over the ball' and, as a consequence, the claimant suffered a fracture of the tibia and fibula of his right leg."


Middlesbrough FC and Smith both admitted liability through their insurers for the negligent tackle.


In the months that followed the incident Collett underwent physiotherapy in an attempt to resurrect his career. He managed to return to training in January 2004 but, despite continuing to play for the club's Under-19 and reserve teams, the court heard he "never regained his pre-injury standard of play" and was eventually forced into early retirement.


Yesterday the court heard that Collett is due to start an English degree at the University of Leeds next September and now hopes to pursue a career in law, journalism or academia.


Swift said he had studied hard during his time at the youth academy and had shown the same determination in his academic work as he had in his football.


"[His] positive attitude towards his injury and to the devastating blow of being unable to pursue his chosen career does him great credit," she told the court. "He was plainly intelligent and it is clear that he has brought - and will in the future bring - to his academic studies the same dedication and commitment that he formerly applied to football."


She added that Collett had been described by one of his tutors as "the most remarkable student I have had the pleasure to teach".


Yesterday's award of £4.3m is expected to rise to more than £4.5m when future loss of pension and interest on past loss of earnings are calculated at a hearing due to take place in October.


Mate of mine was captain of Chelsea youth and Wales schoolboys when he had his leg broke in a tackle and that was the end of it for him. I wonder if he's reading that with his phone in his hand.

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Suppose he could of been in the Army and actually got his leg blown off, and only be given £60,000 in compensation. Do you thinks thats okay?


A nonsense argument. You might ask is Gerrard worth is £100,000 a week while some bloke in the army is risking his life for less than half that a year.


Silly argument.

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