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Spirit Of Shankly - Meeting, Saturday 6th September 2008, 1pm, Liverpool Supporters Club

Spirit Of Shankly

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Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters' Union, would like to invite all members, and non member wishing to join and take part, to a specially convenened meeting next Saturday 6th September. The meeting will take place in the Liverpool Supporters' Club on Lower Breck Road, Anfield, and will start at 1pm.


The American owners have hit yet another stumbling block in their attempts to further burden our club with debt, this time for the stadium. We need to increase the pressure on them further, to force them into a sale, and out of our club. There will be a number of ideas proposed, one including targeting those who have financed Tom Hicks' and George Gillett's ownership of the club - Royal Bank of Scotland.


But there are more ideas out there. So let's come together. Give your ideas. Let's force Hicks and Gillett out.


Spirit Of Shankly

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Spirit Of Shankly, the Liverpool Supporters' Union, would like to invite all members, and non member wishing to join and take part, to a specially convenened meeting next Saturday 6th September. The meeting will take place in the Liverpool Supporters' Club on Lower Breck Road, Anfield, and will start at 1pm.


The American owners have hit yet another stumbling block in their attempts to further burden our club with debt, this time for the stadium. We need to increase the pressure on them further, to force them into a sale, and out of our club. There will be a number of ideas proposed, one including targeting those who have financed Tom Hicks' and George Gillett's ownership of the club - Royal Bank of Scotland.


But there are more ideas out there. So let's come together. Give your ideas. Let's force Hicks and Gillett out.


Spirit Of Shankly



For those that want a say, here is your chance.

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I wrote this for another forum but I think it applies here as my thoughts towards Saturday's meeting


"First of all let me explain, I am a Lower Centenary season ticket holder of 17 years and the Kop before that. I am a long time lurker but I have to reply to some of the things that have been written here but haven’t got a cat in hell’s chance of actually happening!


I think some people on this site (and others) are way off beam if they believe a mass boycott of a game/ leaving early /arriving late is ever going to happen. Equally believing you can picket turnstiles, they are on private property (on three sides) and you would be removed.


Around me season ticket holders are all aged 40+ (probably similar to most of the Main stand) many do not have internet access, of those that do, I do not know of anyone that reads any LFC related forums. They are not interested in anything outside the match itself and categorically would not pay for a game, then miss it.


Before the game I see many parents with young children, obviously first game ever, new shirt etc. do you think they will tell their children they’re going to boycott instead of seeing Torres? Scandinavians, Spanish, Irish – are they going to pay to get over to Anfield then not watch the game?


I bet if you did a survey of how many subscribers to RAWK or YWNA or TLW are season ticket holders it would probably total 1000 max. – and some of those won’t boycott so I guess you might get - at best - a total of 1000 to miss a game i.e. 1 in 44 of the gate! Just look at the number that stayed behind to protest after a game last season.


Someone said earlier “ on SSN a boycott of Anfield would send a shockwave across the world” – no it wouldn’t, it would make us the laughing stock of the world, the odd seat here and there empty. Richard Keys would have a field day, saying how we want a new stadium but can’t even fill this one!


However tens of thousands read the Echo, so the message can reach significantly more people. A full page advert clearly and accurately reporting the facts that H& G have lied about and listing the possible alternatives that we should encourage to take over would reach far more.


So what else can we do? I have no links whatsoever with SOS but I think they are probably quite astute and they must have open communication with the Dubaians. I assume they are being fed some information and advice on initiatives that will help rather than hinder progress and I would hazard a guess there is an awful more going on in the background than we are not remotely aware of.


We won’t affect H&G in the slightest with the odd seat being vacant, they have no shame no conscience, no guilt. They can only hurt them by affecting their ability to borrow money and I think the pressure has to come from the banks (possibly already being done by Dubai pressure). Though I am sure the banks would care if there was a significant public backlash through the media, The Echo is already on that case.


Secondly I think, rather than a negative futile boycott, a positive reaction to a Dubai takeover could have a significant effect. We are told the Sheik wants to own us, well if he felt the feeling was reciprocated it might hasten things. We know he is an honourable man. We all like to feel wanted and the Sheik will be no different, possibly more so - being saviour to thousands (thus massaging his ego) - is one of the things his money can buy him.

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good post george, agree that the older generation who make up the majority of our support are very much on a different page to the militant internet lot, as are the families.


a series of full pages in the echo sounds like a good plan to me, no reason why we shouldn't look into the feasability of putting something in the nationals too.

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Secondly I think, rather than a negative futile boycott, a positive reaction to a Dubai takeover could have a significant effect. We are told the Sheik wants to own us, well if he felt the feeling was reciprocated it might hasten things. We know he is an honourable man. We all like to feel wanted and the Sheik will be no different, possibly more so - being saviour to thousands (thus massaging his ego) - is one of the things his money can buy him.

Agree with this bit


But your points on the boycott are assuming we would not be able to get a significant (5,000 - 10,000 seats) part of Anfield empty for a major game. That is just defeatist - how do you know if you don't try? What if your idea of a full-page advertisement in the Echo is successful?


As for picketing turnstiles any picketing can be done outside the ground on public property.


But it must be emphasized how important it is for SOS to be working with DIC and reassuring them that we are doing everything possible to get G&H out. SOS needs to forget this divisive supporter ownership nonsense and focus on the task at hand.

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But your points on the boycott are assuming we would not be able to get a significant (5,000 - 10,000 seats) part of Anfield empty for a major game. That is just defeatist - how do you know if you don't try? What if your idea of a full-page advertisement in the Echo is successful?

No way on earth would you get 5,000 giving the game a miss


How many members has SOS even got? 1,000? No idea obviously but that would be my stab-totally-in-the-dark guess. And I expect a very good chunk (a half?) would be anti a boycott. I'd certainly fit into that group.

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No way on earth would you get 5,000 giving the game a miss


How many members has SOS even got? 1,000? No idea obviously but that would be my stab-totally-in-the-dark guess. And I expect a very good chunk (a half?) would be anti a boycott. I'd certainly fit into that group.

May as well give up then

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if your aim is to get people not to go the game in protest I'd suggest yes.



i want G&H to know we hate them and despise them, to make them feel embarrassed and uncomfortable every time they set foot in the city

So making someone like Tom Hicks feel "embarrassed and uncomfortable" is more likely to make him sell than affecting his bottom line?

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So making someone like Tom Hicks feel "embarrassed and uncomfortable" is more likely to make him sell than affecting his bottom line?



a match boycott wont affect his bottom line, i've explained how this works before. most of the tickets are pre paid, demand far outstrips supply for the rest. if 10000 dont go (highly unlikely, but just to humour you) 10000 others will take their place

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i've explained to you before why you wont get people boycotting games. it just wont happen in big enough numbers.

Okay, so you've given up on the idea of a boycott before we have even tried despite the successful boycott of a newspaper for approaching 20 years.


So what do you think of the idea of targeting the banks? How exactly are we going to target them? By threatening a boycott?

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a match boycott wont affect his bottom line, i've explained how this works before. most of the tickets are pre paid, demand far outstrips supply for the rest. if 10000 dont go (highly unlikely, but just to humour you) 10000 others will take their place

Thanks for your explanation. As I've explained to you the idea would be to boycott select Champions League games (or other cup matches). If necessary, it could escalate to the league games next season.

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Okay, so you've given up on the idea of a boycott before we have even tried despite the successful boycott of a newspaper for approaching 20 years.


So what do you think of the idea of targeting the banks? How exactly are we going to target them? By threatening a boycott?



the only way we will get them out is the use of physical force or if someone else buys us. unfortunately they are the only two options open. we can protest all we want, which is still worth doing as i'm sure they could do without the hassle, and make things as uncorfortable for them as possible

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Thanks for your explanation. As I've explained to you the idea would be to boycott select Champions League games (or other cup matches). If necessary, it could escalate to the league games next season.


and as i've explained to you before, the CL games are on an Auto ticket scheme for St holders, and loyalty linked, which means if we boycott the first game, we wont get tickets for the rest, because as much as you would like to believe people would boycott in big enough numbers, they wont, and thos ewho take the place of those boycotting, will be in the box seats for tickets should we progress in the competition.

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the only way we will get them out is the use of physical force or if someone else buys us. unfortunately they are the only two options open. we can protest all we want, which is still worth doing as i'm sure they could do without the hassle, and make things as uncorfortable for them as possible




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So making someone like Tom Hicks feel "embarrassed and uncomfortable" is more likely to make him sell than affecting his bottom line?


No a match boycott won't move G&H to sell.


It may make those doing it feel they are doing something but it won't move G&H.


It's a one off. Or do you suggest doing it match after match. Which will dilute itself as people get tired of it and they miss the match.


There are other ways. And i'm sure SOS are thinking of these. Something that can be done match after match, day after day. Something to show strength of support that ALL supporters can partake it. Something that is long lasting and continues to put pressure on G&H. Something that does embarrass them. Right now they have to think SOS is a small protest group and don't really effect them. Only SOS knows how many members they have but they need to get non members on board even if they don't join. And there needs to be some way everyone can participate.



RBS is but one way but not so visual that others know you're participating. Just like those signing the boycott petition of shirts. How many actually do? And how many signed who don't buy the shirt anyway?




Could SOS not get any supporters in the USA to do the same with Wachovia? G&H have loans with two banks. There has to be supporters groups and other LFC suporters over there that SOS can get help from. But this announcement seems to forget those across the Atlantic and what they might be able to help with.

Edited by fabfive
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So making someone like Tom Hicks feel "embarrassed and uncomfortable" is more likely to make him sell than affecting his bottom line?


jesus feckin' christ.

how do you get from what i said to there? stop putting words in my mouth, you've got such an annoying habit of taking a line from someone's post and then drawing conclusions never intended

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So making someone like Tom Hicks feel "embarrassed and uncomfortable" is more likely to make him sell than affecting his bottom line?


although if i take a deep breath and answer your question, affecting the bottom line is the biggest single thing fans can do to get them out of the club.

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jesus feckin' christ.

how do you get from what i said to there? stop putting words in my mouth, you've got such an annoying habit of taking a line from someone's post and then drawing conclusions never intended

It is true I assumed you were motivated by the goal of making Gillett & Hicks leave

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No point arguing amongst ourselves on here, and it's about time we all realised the club is one, possibly two seasons away from falling further behind the Chelsea's and Man U's of this world. Something drastic needs to happen to get Gillet and Hicks out of our club, they are raping us and I, for one, can't believe how this has been allowed to happen.

I wouldn't describe LFC as a glamour club, despite all the success that has come our way over the past 30-odd years, and feel it's core audience is made up of knowledgeable fans, who take immense pride in the achievements of a large group of individuals, including great leaders like Bill Shankley, Bob Paisley, Kenny Dalglish, and great players, of whom there are simply too many to mention.

The way the fans are being treated by these money hungry dogs from the USA makes me sick, and I can't believe we can't do something to remove them from the picture, it's our club after all, they are just custodians, trying to make a quick buck.

As a collective group, I would say our fans have more resolve than most other clubs out there, and I would imagine a leaflet campaign, signalling some strong intentions, would have the desired effect.

I thought the gentleman (George) who posted earlier on this thread made some fair points, but I disagree about his views regarding a boycott. We shouldn't worry about what the likes of Richard Keys would make of a boycott, he is always going to find something to put LFC down, so too is Andy Gray, and too many people on here get sidetracked by these two idiots and their like.

It's time for action, something has to give, but at this moment I would say the Americans have not had nearly enough pressure placed on them by us, the fans.

It wouldn't cost an arm and a leg to print off thousands of leaflets, letting the vast majority of the home support know what is being planned. A body such as SOS need to brainstorm, come up with a strategy, print one clear and determined message and let's see what happens when we all have the chance to digest the prospect and consequences of any action that is taken, along the lines of a boycott of a game(s).

There is a growing resentment amongst the fans of LFC towards it's owners, and I have seen anger replace discontentment at a time when we should be looking forward to a successful season. Our manager is doing the best he can with limited funds, while players like Gerrard, Carra, Torres, Reina, Mascherano, Agger and Skyrtl provide an immense torso, on a body that has no limbs. Riera might be a huge success, I hope he is, but he is clearly our third choice winger and it is surely only a matter of time before Rafa says enough is enough. How can we demand exciting, flowing football, when we are mostly relying on third-string purchases. Let's not forget, our team under Benitez would look a whole lot different if the manager had the money to buy the players he desired.

I take my hat off and thank the individuals who are putting things in place to send a message to the Yanks, as I can't find the time to do anything myself, and whatever action is taken, and something will have to happen soon, I hope it is supported fully by all our fans. Even if certain individuals disagree with a boycott or the like, give an idea the chance to grow into a campaign that will eventually rid our club of a cancer that is threatening to grow into a terminal illness.

LFC will always be there, but maybe not as we have known it!

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