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No giving your hard-earned money to Hicks - Sign now!

Guest Rafa's Receding Hairline

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Guest Rafa's Receding Hairline

This is being done right now on RAWK by nidgemo so i thought I'd post it on here too.


"Hope this is OK with the mods...


Been asked by one of the guys from TIA to start a thread here to match the thread they have going.


A petition has been started on the issue of boycotting sales of the new kit.


The petition reads


To: The Liverpool Football Club Board, and Potential Financial Backers of Tom Hicks


We, the loyal supporters of Liverpool Football Club, have had enough of the boardroom saga for control of our club. We have staged protests and we have made banners, but the time has now come to take our efforts to the next level.


As we were made aware by the club this week, Adidas and Liverpool plan to unveil the new 2008/2010 kit next Friday, April 25, 2008. The undersigned of this petition have agreed to boycott this item, and refuse to purchase it until Tom Hicks and George Gillett are out of our club. We understand that the loss of potential millions of pounds will hurt the club in the short-run, but it is also true that this will hurt the current owners in the only place that matters to them – their wallets. We will always support our team, but until Tom Hicks and George Gillett are out of club, we will not purchase this item.


We refuse to accept the role of being a money-maker for Tom Hicks and George Gillett’s entertainment businesses. We refuse to accept the debt placed on our club despite promises to the contrary. We refuse to accept the owners’ ineptitude and incompetence regarding our new stadium. We refuse to accept the spin coming from Tom Hicks' PR department. We refuse to accept the disgraceful public image these two have given our club in the global press. And lastly, we refuse to accept Tom Hicks and George Gillett as custodians of our storied, and beloved club.



You can sign the petition and show your feelings here.



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This is good, worthy etc - but unless those undersigned (and many more) deliver some kind of physical petition to the club or clog up their email system saying they won't buy and why - it won't be readily noticed.

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Guest Rafa's Receding Hairline
This is good, worthy etc - but unless those undersigned (and many more) deliver some kind of physical petition to the club or clog up their email system saying they won't buy and why - it won't be readily noticed.


True. There's another thread about boycotting the new kit around here but the petition is down below, so I thought I'd make it a topic like on RAWK.


Re: your comments, all we can do is sign and see what happens. I'm sure they'll forward it to the club in due course. Already some 800 signatures have been added.

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Guest Prongsy
it won't be readily noticed.

Normally agree with you, fyds. I can't agree with this though. Hicks will know that this is in the offing already.

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petition not to buy the kit? surely just dont buy it?! in addition has someone should probably point out e-petitions arent worth the weight of the paper theyre printed on :hmm:

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Guest Rafa's Receding Hairline
petition not to buy the kit? surely just dont buy it?! in addition has someone should probably point out e-petitions arent worth the weight of the paper theyre printed on :hmm:


Don't sign it, don't contribute to the thread. Thanks for sharing.


Moving on.

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They need to know why people are not buying it or there is no point

Exactly what I mean. Even if as Prongsy says, Hicks will know what is coming (though if he listens to the 'it's all fine really Tom!') noises coming from Ayre, he may not) there is no substitute for having the A4 sheets infront of you, crammed full of names and all saying if you won't feck off, we'll stop supporting your bank balance.

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I agree 100% with the sentiment, but I am not sure it has a chance of working in teh way people are hoping it might.


With most rational human beings it would undoubtedly have a significant impact to know that a key stakeholder - if not the key stakeholder - the fans - was prepared to take such action; but therin lies the problem, as I see it. Hicks is not rational: he is arrogant and stupid - sharp and effective in business, but stupid.


Even if every member of every forum took a stance, they will, I reckon, still easily sell out of the initial allocation. Liverpool is a global brand and purchasers extend far beyond the available supply - as seen with the Euro away kit when that was launched. I imagine, when all the sales figures are in, it would go something like this:


Hicks' adviser: "Sir, there is a petition that you should see. Several thousand Liverpool fans refused to buy the new kit to send you a message. They are mighty p****d off, and I think you need to take a look at how you can recover the position."


Hicks: "Show me the money!"


Hicks' adviser: "OK, sure, we sold out, but this has the potential to destabalise the brand Mr Hicks - these are the fans - the lifeblood of the football club, sorry, business, sorry, brand. You need to take notice of this. Just take a look and give it some thought, Mr Hicks"


Hicks: "Show me the money!!"


Hicks Adviser: "But, Sir..."


Hicks: "Show me the money or get the f*** out of my sight"


I am NOT saying I disagree with a boycott, before anyone jumps on that, but what I am suggesting is that with all the overt action so far, as much profile as it has given the issue, which could be seen as a good thing, all we have seen as an outcome from Hicks is an increasingly resolute (at least publicly) Hicks.


I think that alongside any overt action, there needs to be covert action that begins to undermine Hicks more subtely. This may, of course be happening and no-one knows about it, such is the nature of covert things ;)


I think that if you believe in this as a viable action to take then you should do it (I am undecided at the mo, not because I am against a boycott, but because I can't see what good it will do, and I may just cut off my nose to spite mty face). It will send a message to fans, the media and beyond, for sure; I just doubt that Hicks will be listening.


I am also 100% open to being 100% wrong on all of the above, fwiw.

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