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Appologies if this has been highlighted before, but read this morning that these classless fvckers on their official website, have chants that they sing to other clubs.

On it it list the chant associated to us. Nice touch from the club.


"Does the social know you're here?"


To Liverpool


CFC link

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Even more embarrassing:



We Love You Chelsea



We Love You Chelsea, we do

We Love You Chelsea, we do

We Love You Chelsea, we do

Oh Chelsea we love you!





Come on Chelsea



Come on Chelsea, Come On Chelsea (repeat)



Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea



Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea (repeat)




WTF? :o:lol:

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Even more embarrassing:

We Love You Chelsea



We Love You Chelsea, we do

We Love You Chelsea, we do

We Love You Chelsea, we do

Oh Chelsea we love you!



Come on Chelsea



Come on Chelsea, Come On Chelsea (repeat)

Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea



Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea (repeat)

WTF? :o:lol:



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Guest Red Flame

Here's one that got me moved to tears :D


Ten Men Went to Mow


One man went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!,

One man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!,

Went to mow a meadow,


Two men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Three men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Four men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Four men, three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Five men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Five men, four men, three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Six men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Six men, five men, four men, three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Seven men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Seven men, six men, five men, four men, three men,

two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Eight men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Eight men, seven men, six men, five men, four men,

three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


Nine men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Nine men, eight men, seven men, six men, five men,

four men, three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


(everyone standing)

Ten men went to mow,

Went to mow a meadow,

(aside) Meadow!

Ten men, nine men, eight men, seven men, six men,

five men, four men, three men, two men, one man and his dog,

(aside) Spot!

Went to mow a meadow,


(arms extended: \0/)


(clap x 3 above head: \0/)


and repeat until you realise that everyone else

has sat down because it's now half time


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Guest Stephen King

There was a bloke behind me on Wednesday who managed to get "Going Down" wrong.



In front of all those people? Maybe you should turn round next time.

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He's particularly fond of 'I'm not with the fat bald feller over there...' isn't he? ;)


His version of 'Momo mo mo mo Momo' after a few bottles of WKD had to be seen to be believed. :D

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They must realise that their recent achievements are tainted by the money they have been able to through around. A medium size club now able to eat at the big boys table and their fans, being generally a bunch or arrogant ****s fit the club profile quite well at the moment.

If it wasn't for Man U they would be top of my hate list.

Bloody Mancs :rant:

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Hilarious. Red site A and red site B discuss blue site C.


Blue site C and blue site D discuss red site B, etc. Red fans post on blue sites and join the discussions (and vice versa, obviously).


I will certainly be schizophrenic at the end of the day. I presume it's only a strange coincidence that I wear a purple pullover.

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This is worse in its childishness ......


Frank versus Ickle Stevie - LINK



Lampard has either won, or finished second ahead of Stevie G in the Player's Player of the Year, the Football Writers Player of the Year, the European Player of the Year and the World Footballer of the year awards.


Fair play to Lamps, he may not be EuropeanChampion, but he's won way more worthless journalists' p*ssing contests than Stevie.

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