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Crash - 4 months on


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Its now 4 months since the Motorcycle accident that has crippled both me and the missus as well as writing off my pride and joy bike.


I finally went back to work on light duties last Monday even though I am now in constant pain. The shape of my arm, wrist and hand have changed forever as the bones originally healed all over the bloody place and the following operation and implant of plate and pins has not really done much to improve it.


The bone is not causing me any pain but the damaged cartilage and ligaments are. It is hoped to operate on these in September when it will also be possible to remove the plate. Great scars. :D


Although the plastic surgery on my foot was successful the wound is on top of the part of the big toe that bends as you walk. The wound constantly splits and this means I can only wear trainers or sandals, infection being a constant worry.


3 weeks ago my missus finally had a plate and screws fitted to her collar bone as it was decided it was never going to heal on its own. It turned out that muscle had slipped between the two broken parts along with several bits of bone fragments. Although the skin is still very tender she intends going back to work this week after her 4 month break.


On the bright side I got my new bike today. I decided I no longer need a 1000cc as my missus will never ride pillion again so I bought a shiny new red Fazer 600. I had my first ride since the accident this afternoon. It lacks the power of my old bike but I will get used to that. Its smooth and comfortable and supposed to be fast. I only just got up to 70 today as my a*** was twitching just a little bit every time I saw a car on the road. . LoL. Time will heal the nerves.

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