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Herceptin; should it be available to all who WANT it?

Paul B

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We all know the NHS has a finite budget and this drug is currently being demanded (despite the fact it is not yet licenced for use in early-stage breast cancer in the UK) and the group demanding it is a loud, vociferous one. If the pressure is too great then it will be given but this will be at the cost of other, less vociferous, less demanding patients seeing a cut-back or reduction in their treatment/treatment options. Is this fair, or given that the drug (Herceptin) has shown positive results, should it be given as a matter of priority NOW and other treatment regimens cut back or reduced? I understand it costs £12,000 per year for each woman treated with it. This is a simillar cost to the combination therapy of HIV/AIDS drugs about which the debate is over; these drugs are given to all who want/need them.

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