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I have bad news

Guest Red Mist

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Guest Red Mist

After the countless, crazy sh*t that's involved Muslims (9/11, 7/7, Madrid bombing etc.) and the west's own wars against them (Iraq, Afghanistan, soon to be Iran), I am convinced that we are on the verge of a major war, between the West and Muslims. This war will not be conventional and declared as were the previous world wars. This war will take the form of massive terrorist attacks against the west. We'll be facing them more frequently than we did with IRA bombs, even more than the Israeli's suffer at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. Hundreds of thousands of lives across Europe and the USA will be lost in this terrorist campaign. Europe and the USA will unite and invade the Middle East (again) to root out the terrorists. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs will perish as they did in our invasion of Iraq.


This will be bloody and war will be on our streets as mobs hunt down Muslims in retaliation. Muslims may be interned for their own protection (and to minimise the chances of more terrorists emerging from the Muslim population), as the Japanese were in America during WW2.


The war will escalate as fanatics get hold nukes in Pakistan and Iran and fire them towards Israel, Europe and the USA. And probably Australia too, just for kicks.

I predict this war to erupt within 10-15 years, our lives will never be the same again. Indeed, they may cease altogether.

For my part, I will attempt to build an underground bunker that will safeguard my life, my property and the Liverpool team. Sadly there won't be room for you my friends, or my parents but at least the future of our club will be assured.

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