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A question about the ability to make a Glossory

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I have a question about the NE Translator. I love it and solved many of my issues. 
Just after I did the implementation I got asked if I could add the glossary words to the system. Before I go super deep into the API of DeepL I wanted to ask if the application has this feature or if I needed to do it from the DeepL side. 

any advice would be welcome 

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The feature would be implementing a translation in conjunction with a Glossary. 

The Translator page on DeepL has a Glossary section on the right. Some words have been added words that needed to be translated in a certain way as DeepL translates it in a strange way. 

For the plugin would it be possible to include this type of feature? I saw on the DeepL API documents they have a "manage glossaries" option that can be pulled and I contacted DeepL if this glossary needs to be implemented from the DeepL side or the plugin side or if it was only needed on the plugin side. 

would be a great addition to the plugin and for our use case 

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OK - I know what the functionality is. I need to understand fully how you wish to use it so...

23 minutes ago, Heinz said:

Some words have been added words that needed to be translated in a certain way as DeepL translates it in a strange way. 

Can you elaborate on this, please? An example of content will help, along with the actual result (via my application) and your expected result (via the DeepL site, using their glossary functionality) - please indicate what language it has been convered too aswell.

I need to know what in your content is needing to be changed, and how the current implementation is affected by not having the glossary functionality included.

Once I understand your requirement fully, then I can think about potential implementation.

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Sure no problem 

Just to confirm I contacted DeepL support and the Glossary from the app and website are not connected. 
The current Translation Language we are focused on is German, in the future will then also focus on French, Portuguese, and Spanish. 

Information use case

I would need a translation when certain words are translated from English to German they are translated in another phrase via a glossary. For example, Dry contact should be translated to Potentialfreier Kontakt while it is currently translated to trockener Kontakt. 

Current Results from the Plugin

English word          German word  
dry contact     >     trockener Kontakt

Expected results 

English word          German word  
dry contact     >     Potentialfreier Kontakt

I underlined the word that would change in a sentence example. 
Example of a sentence. 
The device is a small form factor smart switch with a dry contact, that allows you to have separate currents in the same device.  
Translated with the plugin 
Das Gerät ist ein intelligenter Schalter mit kleinem Formfaktor und einem Trockenkontakt, der es ermöglicht, getrennte Ströme im selben Gerät zu haben.
Translated with DeepL and Glossary 
Das Gerät ist ein kleiner, intelligenter Schalter mit einem potenzialfreien Kontakt, der es dir ermöglicht, getrennte Ströme in ein und demselben Gerät zu nutzen.  


Below I added some more examples of the results without the glossary that is currently being translated by the plugin and the translation with a glossary. 

English to German without glossary results 

alarm message                           >     Alarmmeldung 
CONNECTIVITY                          >     KONNEKTIVITÄT
cover control functionalities      >     Abdeckung Kontrollfunktionen
dry contact                                 >     trockener Kontakt
exposure                                    >     Belastung
first load circuit breaker            >     erster Lastschalter
flood sensor                               >     Hochwassersensor


English to German with glossary results ( required results ) 

alarm message                          >     Warnmeldung
cover control functionalities     >     Überwachungsfunktion
dry contact                                >     Potentialfreier Kontakt
exposure                                    >     Strahlenbelastung
first load circuit breaker            >     erster Schutzschalter des Verbraucherkreises
flood sensor                               >     Wassersensor

As the Plugin has been integrated on a forum this is a platform for everyone in the community to assist each other worldwide as the community assists each other for ideas and help. The main focus currently is the German language but will see movement in other regions in the future.  The German language is slightly strange and some people are quite adamant about the correct wording. I am sure that this will also be the case with other languages in the future.  

If you need access to the API or more information I will gladly help where I can. I hope this gives you a better understanding of the use case. 

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That's great, thanks for the additional information on that one.

I'll take a look into this at a later point but my initial thoughts on functionality I can add are as follows:

  1. An ACP module which allows you:
    • to create a glossary for a language pair (e.g. EN/DE)
    • add/edit/delete glossary entries
  2. Optionally (decided by admin) include that the ID for a glossary in the API call to DeepL so that the relevant glossary is used in your translations
    • I will need to include the source language details in the API call (not currently done, detection of source language is left to DeepL to do on their side) so additional work will be needed to determine the current language of the text to be translated (that'll be fun) prior to sending it over to be translated.

Setting expectations: this won't be a quick turnaround - I do have an improved version of the application (full redesign) which I need to get back to work on at some point, so when I do that then I'll look at the above.

In the meantime, something that would help you is taking a look at the ability to edit the translations that have been done. All requests are cached - the initial translation request is sent to DeepL, but if someone else comes along and performs the same translation request then it is pulled from the database instead. You can edit the content and capture those little idiosyncrasies in there. Just a thought to assist until I've had a good old think on the above.




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I will have a look at the database section as you mentioned and let my team know about the update and that its not going to be a next-week thing. I will then let them know we can use it but the translations will be subject to improvement soon and that they please have understanding in this matter. 


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