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access date query question


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I’m designing a database to be run by someone who has little knowledge of access – and less interest in learning it. No problem with that – I’m running everything through a macro so that they have very limited input into the process.


What they will have to do is pull data from several table and use it to produce some spreadsheets.


However the first 4 queries will require them to put in the 1st and last date of the month they are querying in order to return the correct info. Now I could make it a popup box each time but the more times you do it the better the chance of them screwing it up.


What I want to do is have them only put the dates in once only.


I’ve tried creating a table with just the start and end date in and using the names in that in the query – same for a for and same for a query based on the table like this “>=[datequery]![start date] And

However everything I do leads to a popup box asking for the date even though its in the table/query/form.


How the hell do I do this so they enter it once instead of once for the four data generation queries.


Also – at the end I’m producing a spreadsheet to send out – no problem with that but I have 4 spreadsheets. Now if I export them manually I can get them into one spreadsheet with one tab each. Is there an option to do this via the export function in the macro – I can’t seems to get that working without overwriting the first export.

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