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A mate of mine is going through the following scenario and I wonder if someone on here might know what his legal position might be....


He lived with his girlfriend as a happy couple for some 11 years or so.


Sadly she passed away a little while ago.


He wishes to stay in the property they shared and rented jointly, and pays full rent to landlord in order to do so. Landlord is happy with the situation.


Her family want to come to the property and take 'her things' away but my mate argues that he wants some time in the property with things as they were, while he comes to terms with his loss.


Is there any legal process by which her family can set a timeframe after which they can come and take things away from the property and how would they argue what they were 'entitled' to take?


Oh and she did not leave a will.


From my layman's point of view I'd have thought as the 'common law' husband and a lessee of the property, my mate holds most of the cards?


Any advice or info of similiar exeriences would be appreciated.



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