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Everything posted by blago

  1. It may be. They do have some interesting people on and it provides a counter balance to what most of the western media, whether right or left, is reporting.
  2. They are mostly concentrating on sharing the Christian faith or engaging in apologetics. Since I am already a believer who knows why I believe what I believe I have no reason for scepticism. I leave that to the atheists in the family. Politics is a side show. One show that I watch regularly devoted one short show to the election where he refused to endorse either candidate and didn't hold out much hope for his country's spiritual well being regardless of the result.
  3. I see the mainstream media as controlled by the elites. Legislation already exists in some countries that allows governments to dictate to news channels what to report if a national emergency is declared. Wikileaks has shown how closely the media colluded with the Clinton campaign and how many favours they did her. I read the Independent, Guardian, BBC and Telegraph regularly but I treat everything I read with a degree of scepticism.
  4. You said they loved him and I don't think that is true generally. There were many who denounced him as a fraud who lacked morals and also condemned his racist and sexist comments. Many probably did vote for him out of fear for what Hillary might do if elected. They saw him as the lesser of two evils. Plenty of Sanders supporters refused to vote for Hillary also.
  5. You didn't find Smithdown's post illuminating at all though? No sweeping generalisations or hint of prejudice?
  6. They pointed out her dishonesty, hawkish tendencies, inconsistency and outright hypocrisy. Not hard to do when you look at her actions over the years.
  7. The Christian channels from America that I follow on youtube denounced him and did not vote for him. There are tons of nominal Christians in the states as in other countries. I have a cousin in Scotland whose dad was Catholic who supports Rangers. Never set foot in a church and wouldn't know whether or not he believes in God. You love Christians and Jews though, don't you Smithdown?
  8. Right, because there is no such thing as western propaganda..
  9. They colluded with the DNC to elevate Trump though. They also undermined Sanders. They are reaping what they sowed. Also there is plenty of good material on RT that doesn't get aired elsewhere and Pilger is certainly no fan of right wing politics. People on the left were applauding him when he went after Bush, and rightly so, but they cry foul when him and Assange go after Hillary and point out how corrrupt, hypocritical and influenced by neo-cons she is.
  10. I know that and I have no confidence in him suddenly becoming a good person or a good president. Latest couple of wikileaks show that the DNC and Clinton campaign were colluding closely with the press to deliberately elevate the most radical candidates on the right to make it easier for Clinton to win. That's some seriously underhand stuff, not to mention how they undermined Sanders. Their plan has backfired though. http://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/ John Pilger blames the liberal media for helping to create Trump also. He also says that a vote for Hillary was a vote for a warmongering system and a vote for corruption. See his latest interview on RT.
  11. Smithdown, you are being unreasonable. I'll leave it at that. Trump is an a****** and I don't endorse him in the slightest. I don't relate to him or share any of his values.
  12. I didn't ignore it. I already agreed that he made some racist comments and that those comments were reprehensible. I thought it was unfair to label all Trump supporters as racist even though they voted for a candidate who made racist comments. He demanded that I write a full paragraph which I found both suggestive of guilt on my part by him and condescending. War mongering and military interference is also serious especially when it results in massive loss of life and creates a power vacuum for groups like ISIS to rise up and terrorise populations.
  13. Black people always tend to vote democrat, regardless of the candidate. It's the same with Jewish people also as far as I know. I imagine Trump did get lots of the middle class vote in states that have suffered job losses.
  14. To be honest Smithdown, I was disappointed by both parties choice of candidates. Trump seems a horrible individual in many ways and it does make America and the republicans look bad that they selected this man. Clinton is also a deeply tainted individual and many Sanders supporters did not transfer their support to her. Many people who would normally have voted on both sides did not vote and a number from both sides voted for Stein. There was no good candidate.
  15. Look Smithdown. You have judged me as a racist because I strongly dislike Clinton, not because of anything positive I have said about Trump. You are now asking me to prove that I understand the seriousness of racism and write a full paragraph condemning it to prove that I'm not a massive racist or whatever. I'm not playing your mind games and I've not made any insinuations about you.
  16. I already did Smithdown and it's pathetic that you would suggest that I need to do this for your approval or the forum's approval or whatever. You can judge me all you want. Are you going to condemn Clinton for her role pushing for military intervention in Libya which has resulted in chaos and huge loss of life, the resulting rise of ISIS? Her approval of massively increased arms sales to the Saudis who are bombing the s*** out of Yemen as we speak. Her voting in favour of just about every US military intervention since she became an elected official? The ramping up of tensions with Russia to cold war levels? Her association with Wall St, Soros and big business when she wants to be seen as a peoples champion. Maybe, if someone makes all the right noises in public and portrays themselves as tolerant and inclusive you don't care about their actions or the results of their actions. Clinton is personally responsible to a large extent for the chaos in the middle east. She has blood on her hands.
  17. I understand your condemning his racism and the idiots who buy into that. Go right ahead. There are many issues with the Clintons going back decades. Massive corruption, doing the bidding of the elites and following the corporate strategy which brings poverty and misery to millions, starting wars and overthrowing governments leading to massive loss of lives and livelihoods, subterfuge and dirty tricks. Smearing of both political opponents and people who made various other allegations against them. Not to mention the other allegations made by anonymous in their videos etc.
  18. If it makes you feel morally superior to condemn all people who voted for Trump as KKK sympathisers, you go ahead and do that. Many republicans did not vote at all because of Trumps antics or voted for Jill Stein because they don't see him as a real conservative. I've never felt a strong affinity to any political party but some treat it like a sports allegiance or stronger affiliation. I don't relate but I won't condemn them for it, whether they vote right, left, or whatever.
  19. The fact that he is utterly dishonest, has no respect for women and is a racist would all have put me off. That and he is a pal of Jeffrey Epstein the nonce. Although Hillary's husband Bill flew on Epsteins private jet over 20 times and went to his parties also. Strange how so many of the elite have these unsavory connections.
  20. They may have viewed Clinton as someone who was a warmonger, opportunistic, pawn of the establishment and serving the interests of the elite to the detriment of the general public. Not to mention all the lying, smear campaigns,support for dodgy regimes and corruption etc. Trumps main message was 'make America great again' which implied he would turn around the economy. People don't expect politicians to be good role models and yes, Trump is a complete sleazeball but Hillary also seems to be an unpleasant individual. I would not have felt comfortable voting for him if I was American but I wouldn't condemn someone for voting for him when the alternative was Hillary. There is a ton of other stuff released by anonymous concerning the Clintons which may in many cases be circumstantial allegations but nevertheless paints them in a very bad light.
  21. No problem with your the way you argue your points. I was responding to Smithdown.
  22. To be honest Smithdown, I think people are often far to quick to generalise and throw accusations about people on the other side of the political divide. It's a lazy generalisation to make to lump all supporters of any political party as racist, especially when supporters of the KKK for example probably don't even make up even 0.5% of the population. Obviously there are degrees of racism but smearing a huge part of the population of a country with those kind of labels is wrong and totally unfair point scoring exercise.
  23. I'm not saying those that voted for him had any great insight. Also, it's not surprising that he turned off many women voters either with the comments he has made. There were two bad candidates in this election and many who voted for Trump would not have liked him at all but liked Clinton less. The core support of both mainstream parties is probably around 38% with the remaining 24% being a floating vote (an estimate on my part). Economist David McWilliams also seems to think that it was the disenfranchised and middle class who have suffered as a result of job and wage losses who swung the vote in Trumps favour. http://www.independent.ie/opinion/columnists/david-mcwilliams/david-mcwilliams-america-reaps-a-whirlwind-for-undermining-its-middle-classes-35200467.html
  24. I'm not standing with any of the groups you would like to associate me with, and it's not fair for you to make the association. I made no secret of my dislike for Hillary Clinton and gave numerous reasons for that. I am not a strong supporter of any political party and see most mainstream parties as tools of the establishment.
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