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    "Not even a normal sized hitler"
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    the mighty Reds
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  1. just managed to get it together to watch the video. A fantastic tribute to an great guy. I'm in bits again now.
  2. Of all the things to get me returning here for the first time in a long time I could not have expected it to be this. I think that car park picture was the first time I got to meet Vic in person. He looked, and was, a tough b*****d. However everything that everyone has said above is true. A fantastic guy with deep and challenging views who could articulate his views, and often your own better than you could. Someone to learn from and a pleasure to be around. I was very fortune to be living in the States at that time because I could then use the excuse of jet lag not to carry on drinking all night with him as, although I thought I could drink, he yet again, proved me wrong. I was also fortunate to be in the States because he often kept late hours and he would join in with a group of us who often chatted late into the night UK time. He also gave a great deal of support to me while I was involved in various campaigns at the time. I think that although he couldn't always get involved directly he was also happy to argue with some people vicariously through me - or at least support the route I was taking. A hugely talented, kind and multi faceted person. The world needs more Vics, not less. You'll be missed my friend. Anne - my thoughts are with you at this time. and, as someone else once said, shine on you crazy diamond. Mike
  3. Hernandez. Still didn't choke as badly as Atlanta. Re Vegas. the area has over 2 million residents. they'll have the support - plus loads of casinos will buy tickets to give to the high rollers. Its all about the money. All of the NFL is about the money. The draft : Garrapolo has to go for a couple of picks or it'll be the Pats deciding who they want, get the Browns to pick them and do a trade after the pick including a second round.
  4. Chris, He'll be missed. owes a lot of pints to people the huge amount of comments to you is an indication of how well liked he was and also how well you and your family have conducted yourselves over the years. you can still reach to us if you need to - you will still have rocky days ahead and we remain here for you. Although people will turn to you please take time out to care for yourself as well. Mike
  5. dead exciting?
  6. got the 5th highest score in fleaflicker and finished 11th.... 2nd most points scored against me... awesome stuff.
  7. holy crap. well awesome. So the dems got the majority vote. ain't that awesome. Also a massive turnout. nobody can point to apathy. So trump in the white house. GOP running the senate and house. And soon the Supreme court. A party that has done nothing but vow to destroy everything that Obama did in the last 8 years. not a single idea going forward between them. Tighten your seatbelts. this is going to be a hell of a ride. Mitch McConnell running the show - that scares me more than anything. Pence at VP.. hurrah to separation of church and state. I may have to go find another country to live in...
  8. the majority but theres still a hell of a lot who could vote. because the panhandle is in the next time zone then some of the stations there won;t close until 8pm eastern. then they have to let everyone who was in line at that time vote. then count - 10pm eastern to announce unless its a landslide. North carolina is the first big one - if that votes clinton its goodnight Donald. He can make it without Florida but its unlikely. Its all about the senate at that point. interesting living here in a county that has historically been red - lots of new people moving in and the old boys are losing power and don;t like it.
  9. you beat me in NFL. you know - the league where i didn't get an early pick in the draft. again.
  10. Cam newton is horrible. why not just gift the vikings D all the points available in NFL. gitface. The pats. not a bad warm up for the end of the First Q prize - a game against Rex Ryan....I'd have taken 2-2 out of the first 4 games so be to 3-0 and looking good is very impressive.
  11. They let you in?? damn... and its not that hot.
  12. John. you are a c***. go f*** yourself
  13. a honey badger!!
  14. go big!! get them 3 puppies and 3 kittens, they'll never forget you.
  15. excellent stuff on fleaflicker and congrats to the person who forgot to draft a kicker....
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