About This File
Application which enhances the information available in the list of names generated when using @mention functionality
- Option to show account's online status.
- Option to show icons showing the account's notification settings for "Someone mentions me in a post" i.e. email & inline
- includes ability to manage the icons for enabled/disabled status of those settings (uses Font-Awesome)
- Option to show name of account's primary group.
- includes ability to show group as plain text or as formatted in group settings.
- Ability to exclude certain groups from the list, as well as exclude banned and validating accounts.
Integration with the Group Mention application (by @kRSB) - enabling this integration will:
- provide a clear separation of Groups/Members in the resulting @Mentions listing
- display Icons within the Group Mention hovercard listing, as configured in the (NE) Mention list enhancments settings
- If using either the (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS plugin or the (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS application (by @aXenDev) then you can now make use of FA5 & FA6 icons in this application
Some known issues:
- The "Limit number of results displayed?" functionality provided by this application will not work as expected if you are also using the Group Mention application - this is purely down to the way in which both applications have to hook into the IPS function which generates the results for the @Mentions listing, and is unfortunately not something which I can currently workaround.
- The user control over whether to be included in the mention list has issues - these are planned to be fixed in the next release of this resource (which I must get back to completing!)