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(NE) Display name validator 1.1.0

$15 · Renewal Term: $6/year

   (0 reviews)

About This File

Enhances the validation check performed on display names when a new account is being registered, and when an existing user is changing their display name.

The default IPS behaviour on new registrations/display name changes is as follows:

  • check on the display name is performed against the list of non-registrable words defined in Members -> Ban Settings
  • upon submission of an invalid name, the form is invalidated and the user must update the name to then be valid
  • this check doesn't check the display name against the list of bad words defined in System -> Posting -> Word filters
  • when a 'valid' name is submitted, the bad word filter is applied to the account and the user's display name is changed to reflect the substitution performed.

This application plugin will change the behaviour as follows:

  • check on display name is performed against the bad word filter as well as the list of non-registrable words
  • submitting a display name that is invalid as a result of the bad word filter will now be invalidated and the user must update the name to then be valid

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